156 W. School House Lane

156 W. School House Lane has been granted Historic Designation

On January 20, 2021, the Philadelphia Committee for Historic Designation reviewed PKNA's nomination to designate 156 W Schoolhouse Lane as a historically important property worthy of preservation for our community and agreed that it should be designated. You can view the nomination here

A brief history of the nomination: 

This nomination was written by Oscar Beisert of The Keeping Society and sponsored by PKNA. The nomination was submitted January 24, 2019 to the Historical Commission of Philadelphia in response to the threat of demolition to the buildings on the site from a potential residential developer who proposed to build 53 single family units with 13 parking spaces.  

Although the developers saw Boxwood, the historic home on the site, as an asset to their development plan, PKNA members ultimately voted in opposition to the developers plans at the RCO meeting. Subsequently the property was purchased by The Philadelphia School for the Deaf (PSD) and we hope that they also view Boxwood as an important asset to the architectural heritage of Penn Knox.

Penn Knox community members have overwhelmingly supported this nomination, and the current board will continue to act on behalf of the community's wishes regarding PSD’s expansion plans.

34-36 W. Coulter Street

There was a public meeting to discuss the special exception described in the links below for 34-36 W. Coulter St., Philadelphia, PA 19144 (the "Property") on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, 7 p.m. at 143 W. Coulter St., Philadelphia, PA 19144.

The Penn Knox Neighborhood Association (PKNA) serves as the coordinating Registered Community Association (RCO). All Registered Community Organizations that have geographic boundaries containing the Property and all community members were invited to attend.


Boys and Girls Club, W. Penn Street

PKNA Receives Award

The Preservation Alliance board of directors has voted to present a 2018 John Andrew Gallery Community Action Award for achievement by community organizations to the Penn Knox Neighborhood Association for its determined, well-organized and thus far successful campaign to ensure the preservation of the Germantown Boys & Girls Club building and grounds on W. Penn Street in Germantown.

 This award has been given annually since 2001 and is named for John Andrew Gallery, executive director of the Preservation Alliance from 2002-12.  Mr. Gallery usually attends the ceremony in person to make the award presentation.

Articles About the Boys and Girls Club

October 9, 2018: Boys and Girls Club Spared Wrecking Ball
May 20, 2015:  Comcast to lead $40M fund-raising drive for Phila. Boys & Girls Clubs
July 8, 2015:  Letter from PKNA to GBGC CEOs
April 2016:  Application for Historical Designation by Oscar Beisart
May 12, 2017:  Letter of support by the Design Advocacy Group DAG
Petition to Save the GBGC